DIT University DIT University
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Corporate Awards & Recognitions

  • Corporate Award

    Award of Excellence for Extra Ordinary Talent

  • Corporate Award

    Award of Excellence for Most Innovative Idea

  • Corporate Award

    Vikram Award for Best Projects

olc presenter

Training Programs

1st Year

Special Soft Skill Trainings are arranged to enhance the cluster of personality traits, social graces, communication, language, interpersonal skills, etc. that characterize relationships with other people.

2nd Year

40 Hours of Value Added Training, related to special software for enhancing technical skills of the students.

3rd Year

80 hours of rigorous Aptitude Training for enhancing the aptitude (numerical, verbal, reasoning, analytical skills) of the students. Since this is considered as the initial level of screening in any placement process, special care is taken for the aptitude training.

Campus to Corporate

40 hours of dedicated training through expert lectures from industry senior officials is arranged for developing team skills, leadership qualities, managerial skills and organizational behaviour.

All the above trainings are arranged by renowned experts with a view to ensure continual improvement, are an integral part of the curriculum and carry credits.

In addition to the above, mock Group Discussions and Personal Interviews are organized for continuous improvement. For this industrial experts are invited.

Your Employability

When you come to DIT University, it is time to start looking at the future. Of course you will want to have a good time - but you will also want to make the most of your time at University.

To start with you will need to think about what employers are going to expect from you as a graduate. The next step is to plan how to make sure you become the kind of graduate that will be attractive to these employers.

Employability is the key focus at dit university and preparation for the world of work is embedded into the dna of all our innovative programs. Using leading industry and academic experts, we have created programs that are focused on grooming students for successful careers. Many of our graduates take up leading roles in large multinational organizations, while others lead and develop their own companies. You can be secure in the knowledge that all dit university qualifications are internationally recognized. The training and placement cell of the university achieved noticeable success in helping the students to reach their avenues.

Our Recruiters

  • Dit University
  • Upgrad
  • Intellipaat Logo
  • True Blue
  • Greatlearning Brand
  • Bloom Logo New
  • lido
Sr. No. Name Program Company CTC Year
1 Sikha Bhandari B.A. (Hons) Economics MyforexEye 2.5-3.00 LPA 2023
2 SRASHTI GARG B.A. (Hons) Economics Upgrad 7.50 LPA 2023
3 Anusha Saxena B.A. (Hons) Economics Intellipat 7.25 LPA 2023
4 Sunny B Joseph B.A. (Hons) English
5 Shikha Bhandari B.A. (Hons) Economics TrueBlue India 4.00 LPA 2022
6 Riya Arora
7 Anusha Saxena
8 Vanshika Mahajan
9 Srashti Garg
10 Sanam Preet Kaur B.A. (Hons) Psychology
11 Pranshul Negi
12 Mansi Mansi
13 Sajal Sharma B.A. (Hons) Psychology Great Learning 8.25 LPA 2022
14 Varun Gupta B.A. (Hons) English Bloombrain Learning Solution 4.00 LPA 2021
15 Aarushi Kumar B.A. (Hons) Economics Lido Learning 10.00 LPA 2019
Internship 1 Anusha Saxena B.A. (Hons) Economics Times of India NA 2022
2 Sikha Bhandari
3 Srashti Garg
4 Vanshika Mahajan
1 Shivani Shrivastava M.A. Clinical Psychology National Institute for Empowerment of Persons with Visual Disabilities, Dehradun NA 2022
2 Shweta Sharma
3 Samiksha Pal
4 Garima Behl
5 Shweta Kohli
6 Sarah Chhavniwala Kanoria Hospital, Gandhinagar
7 Vishakha Singh Moolchand Hospital, Delhi
8 Nancy Jain Manasa Nueropsychiatric Hospital, Bengaluru
9 Naba Ul Khair Moolchand Hospital, Delhi

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