
Years of Excellence

School of Architecture and Planning at DIT University completed 18 years in 2023. Since, inception, the school has produced number of skilled professionals who are working with reputed organizations and also pursuing higher studies in India and abroad.



The school was established in the year 2005 as Faculty of Architecture (currently as School of Architecture and Planning) and have contributed significantly by imparting quality education.

We help the students to develop creative confidence with the courage to take creative risks and the knowledge and skills to discern the lasting value of such ideas. We wish to develop professionals who have sensitive and sustainable design approach towards ecology and society.

We perceive design education to be an ever evolving link connecting nature, society and technology. Providing students with the latest technologies and equipping them with innovative and sustainable ways.

The school, situated in the lap of nature, aspires to associate proactively with the objective of sustainable and appropriate architecture. We believe in grooming our students and pointing them in the direction of creating Design that achieves a balance between the built spaces and natural environment and also the societal contexts that it operates in.



To develop a culture of design thinking, innovation and digital technology in each student for skill development, entrepreneurship and dynamic start-ups. To prepare the students as important contributors to interdisciplinary teams and encourage them to engage in resolving the local and regional issues of global significance. To nurture and develop the creativity and professional attitude with responsibility


To be a globally recognized and distinguished center of learning, innovation, capacity building in the area of architecture and design. Striving to engage in academic, research and community activities to address the socio- cultural and environmental issues.


The programs offered by SoAP focuses on Globalization, Urbanization, Climate Change and Technology inculcating a culture in Design Thinking, Innovation and Digital Technology in line with the Government's programs for Skill Development, Entrepreneurship and Dynamic start-ups.

Our students are trained to become architects not only to design autonomous buildings but also to collaborate a physical environment that is contextual and multi-layered. We engage budding professionals with the community on current developmental issues and hence get excellent hands on experience.


Some of our strengths are mentioned hereunder

  • Fully Flexible Choice Based Credit System (FFCBCS) offers flexibility to choose courses of choice.
  • An increasingly vibrant Expert Interaction Programs (with Master Classes, Workshops, Guest Lectures etc.
  • School of Architecture and Planning at DIT University is now considered as one of the best place for research in sustainability and environmentally robust architectural practices.
  • National Aptitude Test in Architecture (NATA) is conducted by the Council of Archicture New Delhi, from April to July every year. Students can visit https://nata.in for more information.
  • We offer an education that bridges Science, Technology, Art and Humanities, thus creating well rounded professionals.
  • Research/Documentation/Graphics/Journalism and such related courses have been introduced to give a varied and vast choice as career options for a graduate in Architecture.
  • As we expand and incorporate more specialized programs into our fold, we look forward to students who are creative, innovative and pioneering which is our vision for ourselves, our environment and our country.
  • Students are supported by the Centre of Innovation, Incubation, Entrepreneurship & Start-up (CIIES) for new Start-ups and Entrepreneurship.