DIT University DIT University

Research Centers and Facilities

COE – Internet Of Things

The Centre of Excellence in Internet of Things (IoT) is an ultramodern facility and equipped with latest computing machines, simulators, sensors, microcontrollers and edge nodes allow undergraduate and postgraduate students to address real world societal problems by developing practical IoT solutions using the Arduino and the Raspberry Pi platforms. This centre has developed several high end and hands-on elective courses for the University’s B.Tech Computer Science and Engineering specialized track of IoT and Edge Computing.

Currently, multiple PhD scholars are working on complex problems in various domains like environmental monitoring, smart vehicles, smart buildings, smart transportations, IoT analytics, etc., that result in publications at very high impact factor journals like the IEEE IoT journal and top international conferences like IEEE Sensors, IEEE SAS, IEEE MDM, etc

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The Centre of Excellence in Artificial Intelligence and Robotics (CAIR) pursues novel research by developing AI based solutions using latest computing machines, sensors, and a variety of robotics platforms. The aim of CAIR is to assist the Society and Industry with impactful contributions in the broad areas of AI, Machine Learning and Robotics. The Centre has already developed industry oriented hands-on elective courses for the University’s B.Tech Computer Science and Engineering specialized track of AI, Machine Learning and Robotics. Presently, many PhD scholars are working on wide variety of research problems related to decision support systems, knowledge-based systems, image recognition, AI based healthcare, speech recognition & synthesis, deep learning, reinforcement learning, sentiment analysis, colour sensing robotics, human detection robots, deep learning, chatbots, voicebots, etc., resulting in quality publications in several high impact journals.

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COE - Industrial Automation And Robotics

This Centre at DIT University prepares multidisciplinary engineering graduates to fulfil the IAR workforce requirements of the industry. The Centre has world class infrastructure supported by HYDAC Germany - equipment’s, training kits, hardware, software and teaching aids with trained faculty.

The centre has five laboratories in Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Sensors, PLCs, and Six Axis Industrial Robot. It supports PhD research and conducts part-time/full-time training for the faculty, students as well as industry personal. This centre caters to the growing demand from engineering and low-cost automation with hydraulics and pneumatics in India as well as worldwide.

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COE – Materials And Nano Engineering Research

COE-Materials and Nano Engineering Research was established in October, 2019. Under the DIT fraternity, this lab is working as a Centre of Excellence (COE) on multidisciplinary research on materials in bulk and at nano scale for various technological applications. A research team of faculties, undergraduate, postgraduate and PhD students is working in different research dimensions such as high K materials, single and multiphase multiferroics, graphene, graphene based composite materials, self cleaning materials and magnetic materials, etc. Through this COE, the Department of Physics will provide in-house State-of-the-Art facilities to the students for completion of their project works.

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COE - Land, Air & Water (Environmental Sustainability)

DIT University with a rich academic excellence has come forward with the seed concept of contributions towards environmental sustainability and conservation by initiating a dedicated research laboratory to focus on all dimensions of environmental issues. With this noble objective, the constitution of Center of Excellence in Land, Air & Water (Environmental Sustainability) has come into reality with joint collaboration between department of Chemistry and Civil Engineering.

Before the concept of this center, the two departments have jointly taken part in CSR activities related to Rispanna river cleaning, tree plantations and organized two international and one national conference in the domain of environment. The strong suggestions of peer academic community in all those activities were to set up this center in DIT University to promote research and innovation work in the domains of environment especially keeping the prime focus on frequent disasters in Uttarakhand. The center was formally inaugurated by honorable Shri S P Subudhi, IFS, Member Secretary, Uttarakhand Pollution Control Board (UKPCB) on 21.01.2021. The first joint workshop between this centre and UKPCB was organized on 21.01.2021 in the domain of air pollution mitigation.

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COE – Advanced Functional Smart Materials Lab

Advanced Functional Smart Materials Laboratory has been established in the year 2019 and inaugurated by Honourable Chancellor and Vice-chancellor sir on 7th October 2019. The primary goal of this laboratory is to provide state-of-the-art facilities to in-campus and outside users from various universities, academia, industries and society. Our team is currently engaged in the cutting-edge research of soft materials and nanocolloids, green technologies and energy harvesting, purification and dye degradation, functional and high K dielectric materials, photocatalytic smart surfaces, sensors, energy storage devices, carbon nanomaterials and graphene for water purification and mesoscopic transport etc. In this laboratory, we have synthesis facilities such as spin coating unit, ultrasonic bath, hot air oven, centrifugal Unit, hydrothermal reactor, photocatalytic reactors, a complete facility for nanoparticles and nanocomposites/ nanocolloids synthesis. Apart from this, the available characterization facilities are UV-Visible spectrophotometer, Polarizing Optical Microscope, conductivity measurement, optical transmittance measurement, electro-optical and polarization measurements, incubator etc. Under this lab we are implementing two research sponsored projects viz (i) Lyotropic liquid crystalline materials for capacitive devices and as a water-free soft templates to develop nanostructures, SERB/DST Govt. of India (INR 39.3 Lakhs) and (ii) Synthesis of graphene-nano-composite for organic dyes removal, DIT University (INR 2 Lakhs). We are collaborating with Indian and overseas laboratories. Overseas, our collaborators are Prof. Achintya Bezbaruah, North Dakota state university, USA and Dr. Alexey Bubnov, Institute of Physics, The Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic.

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