DIT University DIT University



  • Scope: This document outlines the policies and procedures for examinations and assessments at DIT University. It serves as a comprehensive guide for stake holders regarding the expectations and processes involved in evaluating academic performance.
  • To establish a standardized approach to the conduct of examinations and assessments.
  • To ensure transparency and fairness in the evaluation process.
  • To align assessment practices with the learning outcomes of the respective programs.
  • These guidelines are applicable to all examination and assessments conducted in the University under different schools/departments/colleges.
  • Faculty Members: Responsible for designing, conducting, and grading assessments in accordance with these guidelines.
  • Students: Expected to adhere to the examination and assessment rules, appear in all assessments so that the teacher can make a considered decision on the final grading and demonstrate academic integrity.
  • Administrative Staff: Responsible for coordinating the logistics of examinations and ensuring compliance with the guidelines.
Review and Amendments
  • Any modifications/exceptions to these guidelines must be recommended by the Board of Examination to the Academic Council for approval.
  • These guidelines will be reviewed annually by the Board of Examination.
  • Amendments to the guidelines are to be communicated to all stakeholders by the CoE in a timely manner.
  • All relevant information regarding examinations and assessments will be communicated to students and faculty members through official university channels, including the university website, notice boards, and email.
  • Non-compliance with these guidelines may result in disciplinary action as per the University's Policies.
  • All examination and assessment materials are to be treated as confidential and should only be accessed by authorized personnel.
Ethical Considerations
  • All stakeholders are expected to adhere to the highest standards of academic integrity and ethical standards in the examination and assessment processes.


1. Assessment The process of evaluating a student's performance through various methods, including exams, assignments, projects, and presentations.
2. BOE The Board of Examinations of the University.
3. CoE The Controller of Examinations of the University.
4. Continuous Assessment Ongoing evaluation of a student's performance throughout the course, including quizzes, assignments, and class participation.
5. Course Coordinator Course Coordinator to the course is one of the Course Instructors responsible for uniformity of Teaching and Assessment across different sections.
6. Course File A document or record that details the course Design, Implementation and Outcomes of a particular course at the end of the Semester/Trimester.
7. Dy. CoE The Deputy Controller of Examinations of the University.
8. End-term Assessment A final evaluation conducted at the end of the academic term, typically in the form of a written exam.
9. Examination A formal test of a student's knowledge or proficiency in a subject or skill, typically conducted under timed conditions.
10. External Examiner An independent academic expert from outside the university who reviews and ensures the quality and fairness of the examination and assessment processes.
11. Lesson Plan A plan for the course delivery which involves outlining the Objectives, Activities and Assessments for a course.
12. Moderation The process of ensuring consistency and fairness in the grading of assessments by reviewing and adjusting marks or grades.
13. Registrar The Registrar of the University.
14. SLD Specific Learning Disability
15. Student A student pursuing an academic program at DIT University.
16. TR Tabular Register
17. Unfair Means (UFM) Any action by a student that gives them an unfair advantage in an examination or assessment, such as cheating or plagiarism.
18. VC The Vice Chancellor of the University.

Key Bodies/Committees Involved in University Examinations

Board of Examinations
  • Constitution: The Board of Examination shall be constituted as per the Statues of DIT University.
Roles, Powers and Functions
  • To regulate and ensure smooth conduct of all examinations of the University including the entrance examinations for various courses offered by the University;
  • To frame policies with regard to organizing and conducting of all examinations and improving the system of examinations;
  • To finalize the schedule of dates for holding examinations and for declaring the results;
  • To deal with all complaints and malpractices pertaining to conduct of examinations, assessment, evaluation and declaration of results;
  • To decide the quantum of punishment in case of unfair means and malpractices as per the Ordinance;
  • To prepare the budget for conduct of various examinations and submit the same to the Finance Officer;
  • To make arrangements for strict vigilance during the conduct of examinations; and
  • To take all such other decisions with regard to conduct of examinations and issues related to examinations as it may deem fit.
  • Moderation Committee for Setting Question Papers (Mid-term & End-term) and grade cut off finalisation: Each department will constitute a Moderation Committee for ensuring fairness and consistency of question papers and guiding the teachers in deciding the cut off marks for different grades.
  • Head of the Department Chairperson
  • One Senior Professor/Associate Professor Member
  • One Senior Faculty Member

The members of the committee shall be nominated by Director/Dean/principal of the respective Schools/colleges. The tenure of the committee shall be one complete session as per the Academic Calendar of University.

Role and Responsibilities
  • To review and approve question papers for mid-term and end-term examinations.
  • To ensure the question papers align with the learning outcomes and assessment criteria.
  • To ensure the difficulty level and coverage of the syllabus are appropriate.
  • To maintain confidentiality of question papers until examination time
  • While the teacher is responsible for ensuring the below mentioned points in the question papers, the moderation committee will oversee and recommend changes to question papers if necessary:
    • Avoid Repetition of questions.
    • Proper Marks Distribution
    • Clarity in question paper
    • Name of Subject/Course, Subject/Course Code, Year, Semester, Maximum Marks, Duration etc.
    • Ensure coverage of Syllabus.
    • Standard and levels of questions as per the Bloom's Taxonomy.
  • To review and moderate the grade cut-off in a course/subject ensuring the following:
    • Fairness and Consistency of grades
    • Normal Distribution curves for Grades.
    • Minimum and Maximum Grade Points as per the trends of marks.
  • To provide feedback to faculty members on grading practices.
  • To maintain records of grade distributions and moderation decisions.
  • The Head of the Department shall submit a certificate as an undertaking of compliance of moderation of question papers to the CoE office.
  • The Head of the Department shall also submit the final recommended grade cut-off sheets to the CoE Office for further processing.
  • Unfair Means (UFM) Committee: A committee shall be constituted for investigating and addressing cases of Academic Misconduct (Unfair Means) during Examinations and Assessments.
  • One Senior Professor Chairperson
  • One faculty member from each School whom will be designated as convener. Member, one of

The members of the committee shall be nominated by Director/Dean/principal of the respective Schools/colleges. The tenure of the committee shall be one complete session as per the Academic Calendar of University.

Role and Responsibilities
  • The CoE office will compile all UFM cases and forward the same to the Chairperson of UFM Committee.
  • The UFM committee convener shall decide and notify the date of UFM Committee meeting to the members.
  • UFM Committee shall inform the concerned students to attend the meeting through email with copy to respective Heads of Department.
  • The UFM committee meeting shall be held after the Mid-term/End-term Examination. The chairman may call additional meeting as an when required.
  • After hearing from the students and reviewing the evidences, the committee shall recommend the decisions and the penalty on students found guilty of academic misconduct and forward it to Vice Chancellor for approval.
  • The decision of Vice Chancellor will be final.
  • The UFM committee shall recommend policy changes to prevent future occurrences of Unfair Means.

The Detailed Guidelines for Prevention of Unfair Means and Penalties applicable for Unfair Mean cases shall be as per the approved policy.

Examination and Evaluation Related Grievance Redressal Committee
  • A Professor nominated by Vice Chancellor Chairperson
  • Dean of Respective School Member
  • One of the Senior faculty (associate professor and above) Member Secretary

The members of committee shall be nominated by Vice Chancellor and the tenure of the committee shall be one complete session as per the Academic Calendar of University.

Role and Responsibilities
  • To conduct a review of the grievances received from the students and to ascertain whether they fall within the committee’s jurisdiction.
  • To collect all necessary documents related to the grievance and conduct a thorough investigation into the grievance which may include interaction with the concerned students and teachers.
  • To form sub committees for specific types of grievances that may require specialized knowledge, if required.
  • To decide on the appropriate resolution based on the evidences which may include upholding the grievance or rejecting a grievance if found baseless.
  • The CoE will update the marks/grades in the records, as per the final decision. Registrar will communicate the decision to the concerned students.
  • To maintain confidentiality in the entire grievance redressal process.
  • To keep the details of all grievances received, the redressal process followed and the actions taken and prepare an annual report summarising the grievances handled and the actions taken.
  • To provide feedback to the University administration on recurring issues and suggest improvements to policies and procedures.
  • If the student is not satisfied with the decision of the committee, the student may approach the university wide grievance redressal committee.

Examination Officials

  • CoE (Controller of Examinations): The CoE and his office will ensure proper conduct and smooth operations of all the centralised examinations (Mid-term and End-term) The Controller of Examinations shall be the Principal Officer for conducting all examination of the University and for declaring their results. He shall work directly under the supervision, direction and control of the Vice Chancellor.
Roles and Responsibilities
  • Make all necessary arrangements for free, fair, smooth, orderly and timely conduct of the all examinations of the University including entrance examinations and declaration of their results;
  • Prepare and announce in advance the scheme and calendar of examinations in consultation with the concerned Deans/ Principal/ Director of the School College/ Institution;
  • Appoint paper setters, examiners, tabulators/collators, moderators, observers, flying squads, etc. with the approval of the Vice-Chancellor;
  • Decide the examination centres and appoint centres superintendents with the prior approval of the Vice-Chancellor;
  • Arrange inspection of examination centres by the flying squad and observers with the prior approval of the Vice-Chancellor;
  • Arrange for printing of question papers and other material related to Examination with the approval of the Vice- Chancellor and to maintain secrecy;
  • Co-ordinate with Principals / Director of College I Institution / School and Heads of Departments with regard to conduct of examinations:
  • Arrange for proper assessment of candidates appearing for examinations and accordingly process for timely declaration of results and distribution of the mark sheets/Grade cards;
  • Notify results of examinations to the concerned College / Institution / School;
  • Maintain a data base of student' performance in examinations;
  • Forward names of candidates to the Registrar for conferment of degrees, diplomas, certificates, etc. except honorary degrees:
  • Act as custodian of all records related to conduct of examinations and declaration of results;
  • Postpone or cancel examinations with the prior approval of the Vice Chancellor in the event of malpractices or if the circumstances so warrant, and to take or recommend disciplinary action, as the case may be, or recommend initiation of any civil or criminal proceedings against any person or a group of persons or a College/ Institution/School alleged to have committed such malpractices;
  • Recommend disciplinary action, where necessary, against candidates, paper setters, examiners, moderators or any other persons connected with examinations and found guilty of malpractices in relation to the examinations;
  • Prepare the annual report of the Examination conducted by the University and present it before the Board of Examination for consideration;
  • Review and evaluate, from time to time, results of the University examinations and forward reports thereon to the Vice-Chancellor;
  • Take necessary steps for continuous examination reforms so as to keep updating the existing Ordinances relating to University examinations and to propose new Ordinances in this regard;
  • Counter-sign and approve various TA/DA and remuneration bills in respect of the examiner, supervisor, invigilator, paper setter, tabulator/collator, moderator, observer and any other person appointed for the purpose of confidential works related to the conduct of examinations;
  • Prepare and maintain accounts for secrecy funds, get the same checked and counter-signed from the concerned Authority and keep permanent records for all such confidential transactions or accounts;
  • Prepare and maintain minutes of meetings of the Board of Examinations and other Committees constituted by it;
  • Ensure that decisions taken by the Authorities of the University and Committees constituted by them with regard to the examination system arc promptly implemented;
  • Superintend the task of all subordinate employees and to distribute work among them with the prior approval of the Vice- Chancellor;
  • To exercise disciplinary control over all employees in the examination section; and
  • Exercise such other powers and perform such other duties as assigned to him by the Vice-Chancellor and other Authorities of the University from time to time.
  • The Deputy Controller of Examination: The Deputy Controller of Examination shall assist the Controller of Examination in managing the Administration and Management of the examination process. The CoE will assign/delegate responsibilities to the deputy CoE as required. The Deputy Controller of Examination will report to the CoE and shall act as a Controller of Examination in his absence.
  • Centre Superintendent: The CoE will nominate senior faculty members as Centre Superintendents. They shall be responsible for overseeing an orderly and fair conduct of examination at the designated centre, ensuring the integrity and smooth execution of the examination process.
Roles and Responsibilities

The Centre of Superintendent shall ensure the following:

  • The Centre Superintendent on receipt of question paper packets shall verify that they are properly sealed and that the title of the paper mentioned on the packets matches with the paper scheduled for the day. Discrepancy, if any, may be reported to the CoE immediately.
  • Answer booklets shall be collected and arranged program wise, course wise and section wise, in ascending order of roll numbers.
  • Subject wise absentee statement shall be prepared and submitted to the representative of examination division along with the answer booklets.
  • All the unused question papers along with question paper envelopes are to be returned to the examination division along with the answer booklets.
  • There shall be proper record of used and unused answer booklets date wise. The unused answer booklets shall be kept in safe custody and in no circumstance be in the reach of the candidates for their misuse. After the conclusion of the examination the balance answer booklets shall be returned to the exam division.
  • The attendance of candidates should be properly recorded by the concerned invigilator and counter signed by the Centre Superintendent.
  • In case of UFM, ensure that proper procedure is followed in terms of filling the required report by the invigilator, collecting the incriminating material if any and forward the same to the CoE.
  • To ensure that no students is allowed entry to the examination hall before 15 minutes from the start of the scheduled examination.
  • To ensure all invigilators perform their duty with all alertness for smooth and fair conduct of examinations and check the use of unfair means during examination.
  • Entry without ID card is not permissible. In case any candidate is without the ID, the Centre Superintendent is authorized to permit him/her only for that shift.
  • No change in the question paper however trivial can be announced directly by the faculty or invigilators without bringing it to the notice of the controller of examination/centre superintendent/in-charge.
  • The Centre Superintendent shall depute flying squad among the list of invigilators.
  • The Centre Superintendent should ensure that no person is permitted in an examination room during an examination except the students concerned, invigilators and the persons authorized to do so by the competent authority.
  • Flying Squads: A team of Senior Faculty Members will be designated by the CoE to ensure the smooth conduct of exams as well as prevent and detect unfair practices.
Roles and Responsibilities
  • To ensure that no unauthorized person is appearing in the examination. For this purpose, the members of the flying squad shall check the random attendance of the genuine candidates which is the primary duty of the invigilators assigned in each room.
  • To ensure that no books, calculators, mobile phones or any other material except writing board and writing material i.e. pen, pencil etc. is being carried by candidates into the examination hall.
  • To ensure that no student takes recourse to any unfair means and possesses any unauthorized paper or material with him/her. The members of the squad will also have the authority to inspect and search any person/candidate in the event of suspicion. Female member of the flying squad is only authorized to search a girl student.
  • The members of the flying squad shall also observe the conduct of the invigilators and other functionaries deployed for the examination duty to ensure that no one helps any candidate directly or indirectly. Any violation should be brought to the notice of the Centre Superintendent and the CoE.
  • The members of the flying squad must also check that no unauthorized person is moving about or present in the premises of the examination centre. In case of suspicion the identity of such person should immediately be checked and in case of unauthorized person is having been spotted necessary action be initiated.
  • Invigilators: An invigilator shall be a faculty/staff responsible for overseeing the conduct of an examination according to established rules and regulations.
Roles and Responsibilities

Their primary duties of the invigilators include the following:

  • Invigilators shall prepare the examination room by arranging seating, distributing exam papers, and ensuring that all necessary materials are provided.
  • Invigilators shall verify the identity of each candidate to prevent impersonation and ensure that only registered individuals take the examination.
  • In genuine cases, Late entry of the student to the examination hall may be permitted by the centre superintend up to 20 minutes after the commencement of the exam.
  • Invigilators shall brief candidates on the rules and regulations of the exam, such as start and end times, permitted and non-permitted materials, and any specific instructions.
  • Throughout the exam, invigilators must supervise candidates to prevent cheating or misconduct. This includes monitoring for unauthorized communication, use of prohibited materials, or any behaviour that may compromise the integrity of the exam.
  • Invigilators must respond to any queries or concerns raised by candidates during the exam and handle any disruptions or emergencies that may occur.
  • Invigilators must check that the entries on the cover page of the answer booklet have been correctly made and ensure that the attendance sheet has been signed by the student after correctly filling his/her Roll number and ERP number.
  • Invigilators shall arrange the answer booklets subject wise and roll number wise before their submission to the examination branch through the Centre Superintendent.
  • Invigilators shall prepare the absentee statement clearly indicating the students absent in a particular paper.
  • The invigilator shall collect the answer-booklets, arrange them in serial order and deposit the same with the faculty authorized by the Centre Superintendent.
  • In case any student is found to have indulged in use of unfair means in the examination room the invigilator shall immediately issue a new answer booklet by writing UFM across on the title page of the original booklet. All other formalities of getting the forms filled shall be done at the end of the exam of that session to minimize disturbance. In case of UFM, the invigilator must be report to CoE Office on priority.
  • The invigilator shall adopt correct procedures in case a candidate falls ill, is distressed or behaves in a way perceived to be misconduct and liaison with the examination control room as necessary.

Examination participants

  • Students: A student is an examinee responsible for Preparing, Attending and Completing the examination in adherence to the rules and regulations of DIT University maintaining academic integrity.
Responsibilities and Duties of the Students
  • Enter examination hall 15 minutes before the scheduled time. In genuine cases a student may be permitted entry to the examination hall up a maximum of 20 minutes after the commencement of the Examination. Student coming after 20 minutes from the commencement of exam will not be permitted to enter the examination hall or to write the exam.
  • Students must write their Roll number and name on the top right side of the question paper before starting to attempt the same.
  • Occupy the assigned seats only as per the seating plan issued by CoE office.
  • All the students must carry their University Identity Card and Without I-card, no student will be permitted to enter the Exam Hall.
  • Read all instructions carefully written on the answer book & complete all entries of the cover page carefully. It is the responsibility of the student to fill all the particulars in the answer- booklet correctly.
  • The students should not carry any other material which may directly or indirectly amount to use of unfair means in the examination.
  • The students should bring their own pen, pencil, eraser, general or scientific calculator (if permitted), scale & other materials required for the examination.
  • Behave decently & cooperate with the invigilator(s) or members of the flying squad in performing their duties.
  • The flying squad is authorized to conduct a thorough physical check of clothes, shoes etc. during the examination.
  • Murmuring or talking with fellow students comes under UFM rules.
  • The candidate shall not leave the exam hall without the permission of the invigilator.
  • The candidate shall not write his/her name or leave any identification mark in the answer booklet. Any such act will be deemed to be use of unfair means.
  • Calculation etc. can be done in the answer booklet itself and the student should strike off the same before submitting the answer book. No separate sheet will be given for the same. Cancelled portion will not be marked by the evaluator.
  • No student shall loiter around stairs, veranda and in front of the exam Hall, after the commencement of the examination.
  • Students are not allowed to leave the examination hall without the permission of invigilator even after time is over.
  • Writing anything on the desks or walls of the exam hall/room is also considered as malpractice.
  • Unless specifically permitted, carrying programmable calculators, electronic gadgets, mobile phones & books into the examination hall are also considered as malpractice.
  • If a candidate is caught resorting to UFM, he/she will be provided with a new answer booklet to continue his/her examination. Candidates need not repeat answers which he/she had already answered in the first answer booklet.
  • Students must not write anything else on the question paper. Any rough work be done on the last page of the answer Booklet.

Assessment and Evaluation

All structured courses shall have continuous evaluation and comprehensive end-term examination components.

  • Continuous Evaluation Component: These evaluations components shall be distributed throughout the Semester/Trimester to monitor the students’ progress. These assessments shall provide regular feedback to the students and encourage them to develop consistent study plans. Continuous Evaluation components may include the following as per the requirement of the course:
    • Quiz
    • Assignment
    • Mid-term
    • Lab Assessment
    • Mini Project/Field Project
    • Case analysis and Presentation
    • Any other relevant component as per the requirement

Further, specific evaluation methods and instruments shall apply to courses with Industrial/Summer Training, Thesis, Seminars and Dissertations. Refer to the program catalog document for the details.

  • End-term Evaluation Component: The End-term examination shall be comprehensive and will cover the entire course. While each course will have End-term Examination, a course with theory and practical shall have End-term Lab Assessment and End-term Theory Assessment. The Academic Schools/Departments/Colleges shall decide the actual distribution of weightage of individual component of a course, the weightage given to End-term examination should not be more than 40 percent and not less than 30 percent. Similarly, the weightage of Mid-term shall be fixed by the school ensuring the total weightage of components other than Mid-term and End-term exams is not less than 40 percent of the total evaluation components. The applicable evaluation components shall be enumerated in the Program Catalog.
  • Assessment Design, Development, and Implementation: The Course Instructor/ Course Coordinator/Head of the Department shall design the assessment components such that these effectively measure students understanding and skills related to both the learning outcomes and course objectives. While designing the assessment, the following shall be considered.
  • Ensure that each assessment directly relates to specific course outcomes.
  • Incorporate various types of assessments to accommodate different learning styles and needs.
  • Design assessments that reflect real world applications of the course material encouraging practical and critical thinking skills.
  • Clearly communicate to the students the purpose, expectations and evaluation criteria for each assessment.
  • Ensure that the assessments are unbiased and accessible to all students.

Further, the Question Papers for Mid-term and End-term Exams shall be framed by the Course Coordinator in consultation with all Course Instructors. While creating the question papers it shall be ensured that they are aligned with Bloom’s Taxonomy and address various cognitive levels namely viz. Remembering, Understanding, Applying, Analysing, Evaluating and Creating. Also, clear grading rubrics must be provided so that there is complete transparency in marking. The question papers must also include details instructions to guide the students. These question papers shall be reviewed by the Moderation Committee of the respective departments before sending them to the CoE Office.

Assessment Schedule and Communication

The schedule of assessments for Continuous Evaluation components (excluding Mid-term Exam) shall be decided by the Course Instructor/Coordinator at the beginning of the academic term as per the broad guidelines given in the Academic Calendar of the University. This schedule must be communicated to the students as part of the lesson plan shared with them on the commencement of new semester/trimester. The course coordinator/instructor shall ensure that all necessary resources and facilities are available at the time of evaluation and adequate supervision is done to maintain the integrity of the assessment process. Further, for continuous evaluation components like assignments, case studies etc. clear specific submission deadlines must be followed. The students must be apprised clearly by the Course Instructors on the penalties for late submission of assignments, projects etc. However, under special circumstances extensions may be granted.

The detailed scheduling for Mid-term and End-term Exam shall be done by the CoE office as per the dates given in the Academic Calendar. This schedule must be published well in advance on official University channels such as website, notice board and email. If any changes take place in the published schedule, it shall be ensured that a timely update is sent to all concerned students.

Return of Graded Assessment Work

The graded assessments for Continuous Evaluation Components (Excluding Mid-term and End-term Exam) shall be returned to the students promptly so as to provide them with timely feedback. The students must be encouraged to review their graded work and seek clarifications, if any.

The Evaluation of answer sheets for Mid-term and End-term Examination shall be completed within a soon after the examination, the deadline for which will be announce by CoE separately. The respective Course Coordinator/Instructors. The evaluated answer sheets must be shown to the examinees to ensure fairness and transparency in the grading process. The feedback must also be shared with the students to provide them an opportunity to understand their mistakes and learn from them.

Record Keeping

The documentation of all assessments and their grading should be maintained for future reference by the respective Course Coordinator/Instructor. These records should be included as a part of the course file submitted by the respective course coordinators at the end of each semester/trimester. Complete confidentiality shall be ensured of these records.

Academic Misconduct

It refers to any action that undermines the integrity of the educational process and gives unfair academic advantage to any student. Academic Misconduct is taken seriously by the University as it violates ethical standards and undermines the value of academic credentials. The academic misconduct is broadly classified under the following two sections:

  • Unfair Means: Any action that gives a student unfair advantage in an assessment which may include the following:
    • Cheating: Use of unauthorized materials, devices, or assistance during an exam. This may include the following:
      • Copying from another student’s answer sheet.
      • Using cheat sheets or notes.
      • Employing electronic/smart devices to access information.
  • Impersonation: It includes having someone else take the exam on behalf of the student, or taking an exam for someone else.
  • Unauthorized Collaboration: To work with other students on an exam that is supposed to be completed individual.
  • Compulsion: To attempt to influence examiners through threats or any form of coercion to gain an advantage.
  • Forging Documents: To alter or create fake examination documents or credentials.
  • Disruptive Behaviour: To act in a manner that disrupts the examination environment or the ability of other students to complete their exams.
  • Exchange of Information: To communicate with other students during the exam through any means, including whispering, passing notes, or using hand signals.
  • Misrepresentation: To provide false information or documentation to gain access to an exam or to excuse an absence.
  • Indiscipline: This may include the following:
    • Engaging in aggressive or confrontational behaviour with invigilators, examination officials or other students.
    • Leaving the examination hall without permission or without submitting the answer sheet.
    • Altering or damaging examination papers or answer sheets.
    • Not adhering to siting arrangements or other established protocols.
    • Frequent and suspicious request to leave the examination room.
    • Taking the answer sheet with him/her at the end of the examination.

In case of any of the above actions by the students, the invigilator should immediately document the incident noting all relevant details in the proforma available with the Centre Superintendent, collect all relevant evidence for use of unfair means (if any) and shall immediately issue a new answer booklet by writing UFM across on the title page of the original booklet. Further, the invigilator must report the incident to the Centre Superintendent/Deputy Centre Superintendent/CoE/Dy. CoE. At the end of the examination, the invigilator shall submit the duly filled proforma, any evidence of Unfair Means, original booklet and new issued booklet to the Centre Superintendent for further action. All such cases will be submitted to the Unfair Means committee by the CoE office for further investigation and proceedings.

In addition to the above clauses, any other act by the student during examination which may be deemed fit for Unfair Means may also be reported by the Invigilators/Examination officials for necessary actions.


Plagiarism refers to the act of presenting someone else’s work, ideas, data, language without giving proper credit. It violates academic integrity standards and undermines the principal of honesty, fairness and originality expected in scholarly endeavours. DIT University has a strict policy in place to deter and address plagiarism. This policy includes Need and guidelines for Plagiarism check, Academic Dishonesty Policy and Penalties based on Level of Plagiarism and Composition of Institute and Departmental Integrity Panels. In addition, it is advised that the faculty members should be vigilant in identifying potential plagiarism through continuous review and also provide students with training on proper citation practices and the importance of academic integrity.

Leaving the examination hall due to medical reason before the completion of the examination

If a student becomes ill during an examination, he/she shall notify the invigilator immediately. A student may be allowed to leave the examination room temporarily for illness. However, during his absence a member of the university staff shall accompany the student. If the student desires to complete the examination, he/she will not be allowed an extension of time beyond the announced examination end time. In case of serious illness, if a student desires to discontinue writing the examination, he/she may be permitted by the invigilator after informing the Centre Superintendent to leave the examination hall. If such a case occurs the invigilator shall sign the answer booklet stating the time at which the student left.

Appointment and Responsibilities of External Examiner

Certain degree program (such as Architecture, Pharmacy, Nursing, Healthcare, Doctoral etc.) may require appointment of examiners from outside the university.

Appointment of External Examiner

The process of appointing an External Examiner shall be as per the need based on the program requirements or regulatory guidelines. The criteria and process for appointment of External Examiners shall be as follows:

  • The list of potential external examiners shall be prepared by the respective course coordinators in consultation with the Heads/Deans of the respective Departments/Schools/Colleges keeping in mind that the external examiner satisfies the following:
    • A relevant academic and/or professional qualification atleast a level higher than being examined.
    • Significant experience in Teaching, Research and Assessment at a comparable academic level.
    • In-depth knowledge and expertise in the specific subject area being examined.
    • No conflict of interest with the university as well as the students being examined.
    • Prior experience as an examiner shall be preferable.
    • A strong commitment to maintain high standards of fairness and transparency in assessments.
    • Good communication skills and ability to provide constructive feedback.
    • Willingness and ability to commit the time required to fulfil the responsibilities as an external examiner.
    • Compliance with any specific requirements set by the regulatory bodies.
  • On the recommendation of the Heads/Deans of the respective schools, approval of the list of the examiners shall be taken from the Vice Chancellor.
  • The term of appointment of the external examiner shall be typically for One Academic Year with the possibility of renewal based on the feedback.
  • The appointed external examiners shall be formally notified by the University and their willingness to perform the duties of External Examiners shall be sought.
Support and Resources for External Examiner

The University shall provide the following support and resources to the External Examiner:

  • The Course Coordinator/Head of the Department shall act as a point of contact from the University to assist the External Examiner with logistics and queries.
  • The respective department shall provide necessary facilities an access to University systems during the process of evaluation by the External Examiner.
  • The Course Coordinator/ Head of the Department shall clearly discuss with the External Examiner the criteria and guidelines for assessing student’s work.
  • The University shall provide appropriate honorarium for the services provided by the External Examiner as per the approved policy. This shall also include reimbursement for travel and accommodation expenses if physical presence is required.
  • The Course Coordinator/Head of the Department shall provide standardise template for reporting marks and feedback and also specify the schedule for submission of these.
Review and Renewal

After the end of the assessment conducted by the External Examiner, the Head of the Department shall conduct a performance review on the contributions made and feedback given by the External Examiner. Based on the performance review the department shall decide on the re-appointment of the External Examiner for future assessments.

Rules for the award of marks and grades

Marks and Grade Submission

All Course Coordinators/Course Instructors shall ensure that the submission of marks and grades are completed within the stipulated deadlines to ensure timely result declaration. In case of any delay due to unavoidable circumstances a request for extension may be sought from the Controller of Examination. All marks and grades must be submitted on the ERP portal as per the instructions issued by the CoE and the supporting documents such as attendance sheets etc. should also be submitted alongwith the marks. Complete confidentiality of all marks and grades must be ensured during the submission process and only authorized personnel must have access to marks and grade records.

Moderation of Grades

To ensure fairness, consistency and accuracy in the University Examination all grades submitted by the Course Coordinators on the ERP Portal shall be moderated by the Moderation Committee of the respective departments. Moderation will involve reviewing and rectifying any discrepancies in the grades submitted by the Course Coordinators and also ensuring that the grading suggested is not very harsh or lenient. The Moderation Committee must also share the feedback with the course coordinators such that it may help in the improvement of future assessments. If any changes are made during the moderation process, the Moderation Committee shall document and justify these changes.

Result Declaration

After updation of all marks and grades by the respective course coordinators, the CoE office shall compile the results ensuring accuracy. The compiled results shall be reviewed by the CoE and placed in the Board of Examination or to the Vice Chancellor for approval before result declaration. Once the results are approved, the registrar will issue a notification to students that the result have been published on the ERP portal of the University. Simultaneously the CoE will ensure that the results are available to the student on the ERP portal.

Appeals and Grievance Redressal

After the result declaration, students who believe that there has been an error or unfairness in their results, can submit an appeal. The process of submitting an appeal along with the deadline to submit the same will be notified by Registrar while announcing the result.

All appeals received will be examined by Grievance Redressal Committee which shall promptly and fairly address the grievances as per the University’s policy.

Record Keeping
  • The Examination office shall maintain proper records of the following:
    • Student course registration details for the students who have to appear in exams.
    • Information related to Examination Schedules, Venues and Invigilators etc.
    • Student attendance for both Mid-term and End-term exams.
    • Marks, Grades and Assessments assigned to the students.
    • Unfair Means cases received and the decision taken on them.
    • Grievances received and their redressal.
    • Archive of completed exam papers and answer sheets.

The CoE office shall ensure that all records are stored securely to protect against unauthorized access as per the University’s Policy. The CoE office must also implement backups and recovery procedures to prevent data loss.

  • The CoE office will prepare the Tabulation Register (TR) of the final results at the end of the Semester/Trimester. After taking due approval of the TR by the Vice Chancellor, the CoE office shall share the hard copy of the approved TR with the Registrar office for record keeping. Further, a copy of the approved TR must also be kept as a record in the CoE office.
  • All answer sheets of the Mid-term Exams conducted must be retained for a minimum of One Year after the completion of the Mid-term. Further, all answer sheets of End-term Exam must be retained by the CoE office for atleast One Year after the graduation year of the respective students. All answer sheets and records must be disposed off securely in compliance with the University policy after the retention period.
Special Considerations for Disabled Students

DIT University is committed to provide an inclusive learning environment and equal opportunities to demonstrate academic abilities to the students with Specific Learning Disabilities (SLD). On the disclosure of SLD by a student to the University, an assessment shall be made to determine the specific needs and accommodations required by the student. In addition, the student with SLD shall be required to submit appropriate documentation for the verification of the disability. The concern student should submit such request at the time of admission or before the beginning of the academic session. Strict confidentiality shall be ensured of all documentation shared with the University.

The university will make all reasonable efforts to accommodate such special need of the students, which may include appropriate seating arrangement, adaptive technologies, additional time, assignment of a writer etc on a case-by-case basis.

Guidelines for Prevention of Unfair Means

  • DIT University

    Guidelines for Prevention of Unfair Means

    Click Here