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Capacity Development and Skill Enhancement activity

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  • Capacity Development and Skill Enhancement activity

DIT University, is committed to organize capacity development and skill enhancement activities to equip the students to face the challenges raised by the competitive and emerging world. This mission is in line with the sustainable Development Goal of the United Nations. Through this initiative of the university, students are able to learn various skills leading to enhance their productivity and career growth. The sessions and trainings for capacity development and skill enhancement are handled by resource persons from within the university, corporate sectors and prestigious educational and research institutions.


DIT University is mindful of the needs of the students for soft skills in today’s competitive & dynamic world. A majority of students do possess sound technical knowledge but lack skills such as leaderships skills, team skills, communication skills and other interpersonal skills which have become critical to be succeed in campus recruitment drives, and subsequent job performance and growth. DIT university has a dedicated Career Development Cell that takes care of all these aspects and prepares students on various soft skill aspects through offering a 26 hours value added course. This activity based course covers sessions on Leadership, team building, motivation, skills to succeed in Group discussion and Personal Interviews and other interpersonal skills. In last five years, 3600 + students have undergone various soft skill trainings and courses and have got benefitted to achieve success in placement drives and further career growth.

  • Self-Analysis & Interpersonal Skills

    MBTI and other personality tests, Self-esteem, strategies to develop Interpersonal Skills. Suggested Activities & Games: (i) I Am (ii) Flip (iii) A Letter to Yourself, (iv) Card Pieces, (v) Blindfold Game, (vi) Crazy Comic.

  • Presentation Skills

    Principles of Effective Presentations, Do’s and Don’ts of Formal Presentations, prepare for a formal presentation, Presentation Exercises a) Welcome speech, c) Farewell Speech, d) Vote of thanks etc. Suggested Activities & Games: (i) Stand Up for Fillers, (ii) Mimes, (iii) Short Speech Challenge.

  • Online Profiling & Social Media Ethics

    Social Media Ethics and etiquette, Do's & Don'ts, Best LinkedIn Profile tips, How To Create A LinkedIn Profile & Example Sharing, Feedback Sharing & Error Analysis. Suggested Activities & Exercises: (i) Online Portfolio Creation, (ii) Fun Social Media Projects, (iii) LinkedIn profile development project with feedback sharing and error analysis.

  • Leadership & Team Building Skills

    Importance of Leadership & Team Building Skills for Job Candidates, How to Develop Leadership Skills? Best Leadership & Team Building Examples. Suggested Activities & Exercises: (i) Leadership Pizza, (ii) Minefield, (iii) Leaders You Admire

  • Interpersonal Skills:

    Roles and importance of Interpersonal Skills in professional life, How to Develop Interpersonal Skills. Suggested Exercises, Games & Activities: (i) Card Pieces, (ii) Blindfold Game, (iii) Crazy Comic.

  • Group Discussion

    Personality Traits to be Analyzed During a Group Discussion, Types of Group Discussions, Tips & Strategies, GD Rules to Follow (Do’s Don’ts), Frequently Asked GD Topics, Mock Group Discussions, Feedback Sharing & Error Correction.

  • Stress Management

    Sources, Types, Causes & effects, Stress Busters and Remedies to Avoid/ minimize stress. Suggested Exercises, Games & Activities (i) Straw Activity, (ii) Stress for Success, (iii) Balloons Stress Activity.

  • Goal Setting & Self Motivation

    Why Goal Setting is Important? SMART Goals, Goal setting Examples and Exercises, Methods to Motivate Yourself. Suggested Exercises, Games & Activities: Mine Field Game, Smart Goal Practice, Self-Evaluation & Gratitude Exercise.

  • Personality Development Program

    Determinants of Personality- Biological, Psychological and Socio- Cultural Factors, Areas, Examples and Tips for Personality Development. Suggested Exercises, Games & Activities: (i) Picture This! (ii) Story Time Game, (iii) I Agree Poster.

Student career opportunities today are not limited to national boundaries only. DIT University understands these changing needs and therefore provides opportunities to students be ready to be global citizen and technocrats. For this, DIT University has been offering foreign language related courses in French, German, Spanish etc. since the beginning. Many of these courses have been offered through collaborations with institutions such as Heritage Institute of Languages Pvt. Ltd.. and French Embassy. As of today, around 3500+ students have availed these opportunities to learn these foreign languages and have got benefitted.

Language Communication

Language communication, encompasses written, oral, visual and digital communication within a workplace context. This discipline blends together pedagogical principles of rhetoric, technology, software, and learning theory to improve and deliver communication in a variety of settings ranging from technical writing to usability and digital media design to more effectively communicate in the business world.

It is a new discipline that focuses on the study of information and the ways it is created, managed, distributed, and consumed. Since communications is a rapidly changing area, technological progress seems too often outpace the number of available expert practitioners. This creates a demand for skilled communicators and hence DIT University is committed to deliver the trainings on various communication traits.

Types of Communication:

We’re constantly communicating every moment, through various forms, channels, gestures and expressions, all as a natural reflection of our self. But while it is completely voluntary, our communication is not always conscious. We sometimes communicate without our clear awareness, leading to misleading or even conflicting expressions of our self.

In our student specific trainings, we throw light on the various types of communication and their multi-dimensional expressions, so that Student can develop super-keen awareness around your communication.

    • Informal Communication
    • Oral Communication (Face-to-face)
    • Written Communication
    • Non-verbal Communication
    • Business Communication

DIT University endeavors to provide wholesome development to its students through academic and non-academic engagements. The main purpose of this effort is to enable students learn life skills that are so critical in current changing times. For this, DIT University has been engaging students in variety of programs on relevance of Yoga, Mediation, mental health, dealing with suicidal tendencies and anxiety, reaching out to counselling, Awareness programs on overall Health, appreciating the role of natural environment through plantation drives etc. In last five years, more than 1100 students have officially got enrolled in these programs to create better life for themselves and become a positive contributor to the society in large.

Yoga @ DITU

Health and Hygiene

Technology, today, has surrounded all us in variety of ways. Be it using a gadgets such as smart phones & personal computers for learning or entertainment, using web applications for finding information and purchasing products and services, or completing transactions online and dealing with online frauds, understanding how use a technology and being aware of its implications has become extremely critical in current dynamic world. DIT University is aware of this challenge and therefore ensures that students and staff are tech savvy so that they perform their work much more efficiently. To achieve this, DIT University facilitates the awareness and learning about new technologies, advanced tools and techniques, changing trends & issues by organizing seminars, webinars, workshops etc. on regular basis. In last five years, 4300+ students have got enrolled in such programs and got benfefitted.

  • Expert lecture on Cyber security Phishing

    Department of Computer Science and Engineering organized an expert talk for faculties and students of CSE 2nd year on “Cyber Security: Phishing” by Prof. Manoj Misra, Dept. of CSE IIT Roorkee. Prof. Misra discussed the flaws in current network methodology and how it can be used against the vulnerability.

  • Workshop on IBM Cloud

    Department of Computer Science and Engineering organized workshop students of IBM CSE 2nd and 3rd year on “IBM Cloud” by Rohit Kamboj, Associate Trainer in IBM career Education. He delivered the basics of cloud and hands on Exposure on IBM cloud.

  • IBM Expert Lecture on Digital Marketing

    Department of Computer Science and Engineering organized a fruitful talk on "Digital Marketing" for IBM CSE 2nd and 3rd year students. He also deliver some lecture on the importance of having a goal and being determined to get there, How a product/service becomes an integral part of our lives and sometimes can potentially change our lives - helped me cover the topic of "Connect" with customers in depth, Approach to "learning" and need to "simplify" things in life, this was the basis of the method is used to cover the Digital Marketing concepts