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About Department

The Department of Electrical and Electronics & Communication Engineering (EECE) at DIT University has the legacy of producing high quality engineers in design, development, research and production who are capable of taking up challenges in the field of Renewable Energy, Power Systems, Electrical Vehicle Technology, Control Systems and Automation, Information Processing and Analytics, 5G & beyond etc.

The highly enthusiastic faculty at the department is committed to transform young and bright minds into change makers having global perspective, technical expertise and leadership traits. We aim towards relentlessly imparting in-depth knowledge to our learners.

We comprehend well enough the significance of right education and thus leave no chance towards initiating innovative teaching and learning methods. To us, the holistic growth of our mentees remains at upfront, guiding them to attain academic excellence. Alongside, as career opportunities are widening rapidly in the present working environment, the significance of practical knowledge remains unmoved. Therefore, we are well equipped with modernized laboratories covering almost all sub-disciplines of Electronics & Communication Engineering and Electrical Engineering to impart the best of industry skills.

As our major approach is focused towards the comprehensive learning of the Ditians, we welcome the young minds to explore with us an all-together rejuvenating and zealous world for their valuable growth.


Dr. Nafees Ahamad

Associate Professor and Head, EECE Department

HOD's Message

The Department of Electrical and Electronics & Communication Engineering (EECE) at DIT University has the legacy of producing high quality engineers in design, development, research and production who are capable of taking up challenges in the field of optoelectronics, RF, Microwave and antenna, Renewable Energy, Power Systems, Electrical Vehicle Technology, Control Systems and Automation, Information Processing and Analytics, 5G & beyond etc.

The highly enthusiastic faculty at the department is committed to transform young and bright minds into change makers having global perspective, technical expertise and leadership traits. We aim towards relentlessly imparting in-depth knowledge to our learners.

We comprehend well enough the significance of right education and thus leave no chance towards initiating innovative teaching and learning methods. To us, the holistic growth of our mentees remains at upfront, guiding them to attain academic excellence. Alongside, as career opportunities are widening rapidly in the present working environment, the significance of practical knowledge remains unmoved. Therefore, we are well equipped with modernized laboratories covering almost all sub-disciplines of Electronics & Communication Engineering and Electrical Engineering to impart the best of industry skills.

As our major approach is focused towards the comprehensive learning of the Ditians, we welcome the young minds to explore with us an all-together rejuvenating and zealous world for their valuable growth.



  • To nurture the students in the emergent areas of Research & Development.
  • To achieve International Recognition by providing technical expertise and endorsing industrial linkages to provide students with opportunities to imbibe entrepreneurship skills and make them employable.
  • To provide technical expertise along with professional ethics as per societal needs.


To achieve academic excellence through quality teaching and research by catering to the needs of industry & society in the field of Electrical and Electronics & Communication Engineering.

Center of Excellence


Embedded System & VLSI


Power System

About the Department

The department focuses on Globalization, Digitization, Design, Development, Analysis & Application of cutting age technologies in the field of optical fiber biosensors, Automation, Futuristic Communication ,Digital Technology, Renewable Energy, Power Systems, Electrical Vehicle Technology etc in line with the Government’s programs like “DIGITAL INDIA” for Skill Development, Entrepreneurship and Dynamic start-ups.

Our Students

  • Trained to design futuristic technologies to collaborate a technical environment
  • Get excellent hands on experience in developing real time products.
  • Participate in syllabus development process and all round feedback mechanism
  • Have choice to study a large basket of electives (Fully Flexible Choice Based Credit System)
  • Involve inter-disciplinary projects to minimize the gaps between industry and education.
  • Get exposure by frequent industrial visits.
  • Undergoes industry projects in the area of Communication, Bio-Sensor Development.

Scope of B.Tech. in ECE and EE:

  • India has Tremendous potential to boost digital economy in coming years, benefiting all sector and people.
  • Indian Electronics System Design and Manufacturing (ESDM) industry is one of the fastest growing sectors in the country.
  • Changing global landscapes in electronics design and manufacturing capabilities, and cost structures have turned the attention of global companies towards India.
  • Domestic production can cater to a demand of only $100 Bn by 2020… demand-supply gap of $300 Bn.
  • 5.45 billion people used the internet as of July 2024, making up 67.1 percent of the world's population. 5.17 billion people, or 63.7 percent of the global population, used social media out of this total.

Presently the departments offers UG programs namely B.Tech in Electronics & Communication Engineering, B.Tech in ECE with specialization in Information and Communication Technology (ICT), B.Tech in Electrical Engineering and B.Tech in Electrical Engineering with specialization in Electric Vehicle.

Electronics and Communication engineering broadly covers Mobile/Satellite Communication, optical communication, Embedded and VLSI, Microwave and Antenna, IoT (Internet of things) systems and more. Similarly programs in Electrical Engineering cover the advanced and state of the art technologies in the area of Power Systems, Power electronics, Electrical Machines and Control & Automation. The department also offers Ph.D. programs in Electronics & Communication Engineering and Electrical Engineering. Department provides the holistic education to provide a sound academic and technical infrastructure augmented with extra-curricular facilities to ensure the all-round development of the students.

Beside the regular course curriculum the department offers the Value Added Training, Aptitude Building program, Soft Skills training, Foreign Language Courses & Industrial visits to enhance the employability of the students.

Student Clubs

Student Clubs/Branch/Chapters Faculty Mentor
IEEE Mr. P. S. Sharma
SPIE / OSA Dr. Kuldeep Choudhary
IETE Dr. Brajlata Chouhan
ICEIT Dr. Sonika Singh



  • Machine Lab
  • Control System
  • Switchgear Lab
  • Network Lab
  • Measurement Lab
  • Electric Drives Lab
  • Power Electronics Lab
  • Element of Power Systems Lab
  • Power System Analysis Lab
  • Basic Electrical Lab
  • Analog Electronics Lab
  • Digital System Design Lab
  • Communication Lab
  • Microprocessor Lab
  • Microwave Lab
  • Optical Fibre Communication Lab
  • Bio Medical Instrumentation Lab
  • Digital Image Processing Lab
  • Solar and Wind Lab
  • 5G Lab
  • Computer Lab
  • Research Lab

Communication Systems Lab

The Communication System Lab comprises of two

  • Principle of Communication (Analog Communication)Lab 
  • Digital Communication Lab

Principle of Communication (Analog Communication)Lab - The objective of this lab course is to study various Analog Modulation Techniques like AM,FM and PM.

It helps the student to get fundamental knowledge about communication process, generation and detection of information.

Digital Communication Lab - The objective of this lab course is to study Digital representation of Analog information and various fundamental Digital Modulation Techniques. This course enables students to get practical experience about modern communication techniques.


Analog Circuit Lab

This Lab have been designed so as to acquire skills of designing and testing integrated circuits. This lab can also be utilized to Analyze and design various applications of Op-Amp, waveform generation circuits and also to Study 555 timer with analog and digital circuits. This laboratory course enables students to get practical experience in design, testing and evaluation of Rectifiers, clippers and clampers, BJT characteristics and Amplifiers,

Digital Electronics Lab

Digital electronics is a field of electronics involving the study of digital signals and the engineering of devices that use or produce them. This is in contrast to analog electronics and analog signals.

Digital electronics circuits are usually made from large assemblies of logics gates, often packaged in integrated circuits. Complex devices may have simple electronic representations of Boolean logic functions.

Digital Electronics Lab introduced - Nomenclature of Digital Ics, Specifications, Study of the Data Sheet, Concept of Vcc and Ground, Verification of the Truth Tables of Logic Gates using TTL Ics.

Implementation of the Given Boolean Function using Logic Gates.

It is also includes designing of Decoder- Encoder multiplexer/De-Multiplexer and using Logic Gate, flip flops (S R, D, T and J K flip flops), registers, counters, and verification of their state /truth tables.


Microprocessor Lab


This laboratory houses the hardware which includes 8085 Microprocessor trainer kits, 8086 Microprocessor trainer kits, 8051 Microcontroller trainer kits, interfacing cards.

This Lab Consist of

  • 8085 Microprocessor Trainer Kit
  • 8086 Microprocessor Trainer Kit
  • 8051 Microcontroller Trainer Kit
  • Interfacing Boards: ACD, ADC, Stepper Motor, Memory, RAM.

Microwave and Antenna Lab


The lab content comprises the high frequency sources as Klystron & Gunn diode and different microwave components are Isolator, frequency Meter, Slotted line carriage, wave guides, magic TEE, H-plane TEE, E plane Tee junction and horn antenna radiation parameters. Gunn Diode and Reflex Klystron Characteristics, VSWR wavelength Measurement, Impedance and Frequency Measurement, Scattering Parameters of Magic Tee, Directional Coupler, Radiation Pattern of Horn Antenna

Antenna lab

The lab course provides an understanding of the Antenna Transmitter and Receiver trainer for different type of Antenna and transmission parameter, field radiations & antenna parameters Basic antennas & parameter measurement (gain Directivity efficiency, beam efficiency) designing of Microstrip antenna using ADK software.

To attain knowledge on the basic parameters those are considered in the antenna design process and the analysis while designing the antenna. To analyze the designed antenna and Array system, field evaluation under various conditions and formulate the electric as well as the magnetic fields Equation set for Far field and near field conditions.

Analyze the radiation patterns from various basic antennas. Design procedure of a Microstrip antenna using HFSS software shown in below diagram for better understanding of students.

5G Communication Lab

5G Lab is established at DIT University in October’2024 in collaboration with iHub Divyasampark, IIT Roorkee. 5G mobile are the next-generation standard for wireless communications although they won’t fully replace LTE or its variants immediately. 5G delivers vastly increased capacity, lower latency, and faster speeds. 5G providers are aiming to reach download speeds of up to 20 Gb/s using enhanced mobile broadband. Massive machine-type communications is a 5G use case that will largely be used for industrial IoT deployments. Ultra-reliable low-latency communications is a use case that will be used for scenarios where latency is a critical factor, like with autonomous vehicles.

Various high end equipments like test bench for 5G Network infrastructure, 5G Core network server, 5G Customer Premises Equipment, 5G Industrial safety usecase with real time helmet detection, AI base interview preparation app, mMTC 5G usecas in Smart Irrigation Domain for large scale automated irrigation, URLLC 5G usecase and SDR learning platform for concept building are available to pursue project and research work.


Basic Electrical Technology Lab


Common to all engineering students of first year to understand the basic concepts of various types of machines, generations of electricity, transmission and its distribution. Experiments related to theory like Superposition theorem, Norton's theorem, Thevenin’s theorem, open circuit and short circuit test of transformers, speed control technique of DC machine, speed reversal of induction motor etc.

This lab consist of

  • DC motor
  • Three phase induction motor
  • Single phase transformer
  • Network Theorem trainers
  • Single phase energy meter

Electrical Machines Lab

Experiments performed on number of machines in correlation with the theoretical underatnding This lab consist of:

  • DC.machine-3kW, 230 volt, 1500 rpm, 16 A, wound-shunt
  • Alternator-2 kVA, 1500 rpm, 415 ac, 220 volt dc, 2.8 amp, pf-0.8
  • DC shunt machines 3 HP, 220 V, 11 A, 1500 r.p.m.
  • Three phase induction motor 5 HP 415 V, 6 A, 1440 r.p.m
  • Single Phase transformer 2 kVA, 230/230 V
  • Synchronizing panel for alternator
  • DC starter
  • Autotransformer
  • Rectifier for three phase AC to DC conversion

Measurement & Instrumentation Lab


This lab consist of

  • Anemometer
  • Strain gauge
  • Load cell
  • Resistance temperature detector kit
  • Electromagnetic pickup transducer
  • LVDT transducer kit
  • Thermocouple kit
  • Owen Bridge
  • Schering bridge

Power System Lab


This lab consists of different relays like Differential relay, Overcurrent relay, Thermal relay, Instantaneous overcurrent relay, single line to ground fault analysis, three phase to ground fault analysis on which students of final year perform experiments related to topics studied in power system.

The main experimental setups includes
  • Experimental setup for A,B,C,D parameters, Hybrid parameters
  • Percentage differential relay kit
  • Thermal relay
  • Three phase fault earth relay kit
  • Line to ground fault relay kit
  • Over current relay kit
  • Oil testing set

Power Electronics / Electric Drives Lab


This lab consists of experimental setups related to power electronics and Electric Drives like speed control of d.c. motor, speed control of a.c. motor, etc.

This lab consist consist of

  • Single phase fully controlled bridge converter experimental setup
  • Single phase half wave converter experimental setup
  • DC shunt motor, 1 HP, 220 V, 3 A, 1500 r.p.m.
  • Induction motor 5 HP, 230volt,50Hz,2.25 A, single phase , 1340rpm
  • Three phase induction motor 1.8 A, 440 volt, 1500 r.p.m
  • DC shunt motor 1 HP, 110 V, 6A, 1500 r.p.m
  • AC voltage controller kit
  • SCR thyristor based three phase and single phase rectifier kit
  • SCR thyristor based single phase inverter kit

Wind & Solar Lab

This lab is designed to provide undergraduate students with a comprehensive, hands-on experience in the field of renewable energy, specifically focusing on solar and wind technologies. Through a series of simulations and real-world experiments, students will gain practical knowledge of energy conversion systems, their performance, and their challenges.
In this lab, students will engage in the following key activities:
  • VI Characteristics of Solar Panels: Students will use a simulation kit to observe the Voltage-Current (VI) characteristics of solar panels, understanding how solar cells behave under different irradiation levels.
  • Shadowing Effect on PV Characteristics: They will explore the impact of shadowing on the performance of photovoltaic (PV) systems and learn about the challenges it poses to solar energy efficiency.
  • Diode-Based Solutions for Shadowing: The lab includes experiments on how diode-based solutions, such as bypass diodes, can help overcome the negative effects of partial shading on solar panels.
  • Performance Assessment of Solar Panels: Students will assess the performance of both standalone and grid-connected solar panels, gaining insight into their efficiency, energy output, and integration into the power grid.
  • Wind Energy Generator Performance: The lab also covers the performance analysis of wind energy generators, allowing students to evaluate their efficiency and contribution to renewable energy systems.
  • Hybrid Wind-Solar System: Students also study and assess the performance of hybrid systems that combine both wind and solar energy, learning how these complementary systems can enhance energy reliability and sustainability.

This lab provides a practical foundation in renewable energy, preparing students to work with and develop innovative solutions in the rapidly evolving field of clean energy.

Specialized Facilities

  • Nanophotonic & Plasmonics Biosensor Research Lab [NPBRL]
  • 5G communication Lab [i-Hub-IITR]
  • Advanced PCB Design and Fabrication
  • Microwave Antenna Design lab
  • Embedded System & VLSI lab
  • Solar and Wind Power Energy lab
  • Power System lab
  • Electric Vehicles lab

Alumni Achievers

.Tech in ECE with specialization in Informa
Shivani Gupta 1000004842 BT-ECE(2105-2019) IIM, Kozhikode, Kerala
Pranjali Khandelwal 1000002924 B.Tech-ECE(2017) Georgian College, Canada
Pranav Kashyap 1000009340 B.Tech-ECE-(2017-21) AFCAT Qualified
Rohit Singh Dasila 1000008235 B.Tech-ECE-(2017-21) AFCAT Qualified
Rajni Bora 1000004018 B.Tech-ECE-(2017-21) AFCAT Qualified
Sachin Kashnyal 1000004004 B.Tech-ECE-(2014-18) AIRFORCE
Animesh Kumar 1000002761 B.Tech-ECE-(2013-17) Welingkar Institute of Management
Dushyant Pant 1000001902 B.Tech-ECE-(2013-17) GATE Qualified-NIT Kurushetra
Guneet Singh 1000004723 B.Tech-ECE-(2015-19) Narsee Monjee University, Mumbai
Harpreet Singh Hora 1301031058 B.Tech-ECE-(2013-17) CAT Qualified - 94 Percentile